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The Heart of the Matter

Circle Celebrations and Events is Christian business The services I offer are out of a full heart as worship to God.

I am sad that I had to think twice before proclaiming this. As Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Senior Legal Counsel Kevin Theriot said, "What makes America unique is our freedom to peacefully live out our beliefs, and the Constitution protects that freedom."

I believe God loves everyone - no exceptions. He cares for us in spite of bad choices and confused ideology.

I believe the definitive law is in the Bible and that Jesus Christ came to fulfill that law. Then He gave us a higher standard to live by. Those are the moral convictions I embrace.

I respectfully request not to be invited to activities that promote or celebrate same sex unions. Based on my convictions it would be wrong for me to participate.

And yes, I can agree to disagree and still respect someone who doesn't believe the same way I do.

God bless America!

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